¡Hola, mis estrellitas!
Bienvenidos a un mundo mágico en donde todo lo que anhelas es posible. Con casi 20 años de experiencia en astrología, Tarot, numerología y otras mancias estoy aquí para ayudarte a comprender tus vivencias a través del movimiento de las estrellas como metáfora de tu vida. Descubrirás que el futuro no se predice, sino que lo construyes tú... si te conoces bien.


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Astrology and divination
The astrological reports, readings and predictions by Laura Kryshtar and the advice and opinions offered, whether written, verbal, over the phone or in person are calculated with a precise programming system (PaintAstroQ2) and are based on the accuracy of the birth information provided and individual interpretation, so it may differ from other astrologers and / or fortune-tellers. The information, forecasts and predictions provided by Laura Kryshtar should be taken strictly as suggestions. The advice given on the website and / or by Laura Kryshtar is made in good faith for the benefit of its readers. Any information provided should not be taken as a guarantee or a commitment, but rather as a suggestion.
Under no circumstances does Laura Kryshtar suggest the infallibility of the readings and predictions and therefore disclaims responsibility for any personal, financial, legal, health or any other decision you make. Neither divination nor astrology are absolute or reputable sciences and are subject to individual interpretation.
Minors under 18 years of age must receive the consent of their parents or legal guardian if they wish to acquire a divination and / or astrology consultation.
If for any reason, divination, astrology, esotericism and / or metaphysics of any kind is illegal in your locality, by accessing this portal and / or receiving information, service or related product from Laura Kryshtar, you agree that you do so of your own free will and that you do not hold Laura Kryshtar responsible for any legal consequences that you incur.
Privacy Policy
All information provided to Laura Kryshtar is kept strictly confidential. Laura Kryshtar guarantees that she will not use private or confidential data for any other purpose than to communicate predictions, divination readings and any other service that you request. Laura Kryshtar will not disclose, disclose, sell, distribute, rent, authorize, share or pass any confidential or private information to third parties without your express written consent unless required by law enforcement agency, regulation or court order. .
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